Vendor Contracts Basic Procedures

Note: If you merge two contracts that contain the same item, the price in the contract you copy from overrides the price in the contract to which you are copying.

  1. From the Master Menu, double-click graphics\INVENTORYICON16.gif. The Item window opens.

  2. Click graphics\ITEMVENDORCONTRACTS16.gif. The text-based (EV) Vendor Contract Cost screen opens.

  3. Select the [X] Xerox action code.

  4. In the Contract # field, enter the number of the contract from which you are copying.

  5. In the To field, enter the number of the new contract or existing contract to which to copy the information.  

  6. At the Are You Sure prompt, type Y to copy the information. The system copies all item and pricing information from the original contract.

  7. The End of Contract Enter Any Key to Continue message displays. Press Enter. The cursor returns to the Contract # field so that you can copy additional contracts.

  8. To return to the Action Code field, press Esc while the cursor is in the Contract # field. To return to the Master Menu, press Esc.

Note: If you need to modify the new contract, select the [C] Chg action code. Using the instructions in Changing Vendor Contracts, retrieve the contract you copied information to. Assign it a unique description, and change any other information that you want to be different for the new contract.


See also:

Adding Groups of Items to a Vendor Contract

Viewing Vendor Contracts