Specials Fields Definitions

From the Master Menu, double-click . From the Keyop Menu, double-click . The text-based (+) Special Programs screen opens. In the Enter Program Request field, type F.


This function corrects quantities in your Inventory Usage Record (I-AUX file) in the (E) Inventory Master screen based on information in other files within the system.

Note: This is a dedicated function. No Order Entry or Purchasing procedures should be performed while running this function.

When you select this function, the system resets the BACKORDER and ALLOC fields based on the P-MASTER file. The ON ORDER field is reset based on the PO-MASTER. The RECEIPTS field is reset based on the RECEIPTS file.

Note: You should not reset inventory records if you need to run the ;SPCCHGIT program. The ;SPCCHGIT program is used to update supplemental inventory files. For more information, go to The ;SPCCHGIT Program.

For more information, go to Using the (+F) Screen.