Specials Fields Definitions

From the Master Menu, double-click . From the Keyop Menu, double-click . The text-based (+) Special Programs screen opens. In the Enter Program Request field, type X. The (+X) Manual Report Executor screen opens. You can use this screen to print and temporarily modify uncataloged and cataloged reports. Through this screen, you can also save a report to a file (rather than printing it) and print a generic totals report.


Reports printed through this screen can be temporarily modified in the same ways that are available through report selector screens. In addition, reports printed here can be double-spaced.

Note: Although you can print cataloged reports through the (+X) screen, using report selector screens for this purpose is easier. However, to double-space a cataloged report, you must print it through this screen. You can also sort and limit by all available supplemental files through the (+X) screen.

The changes you can specify through the (+X) screen include:

If you are an Xtensions user, you can also add totals for both C-SALES and S-SALES. In addition to year-to-date totals, you can print month-to-date totals.


For more information on using the (+X) screen, see Using the (+X) Screen.