About Customer History
The system uses information provided through order entry and A/R transactions to build a cumulative history on each customer. You can build history on a customer's total sales or on specific items. The Customer History window also displays service quality information for your customers, as well as customer budget details. Click the tab name for more information about that tab.
Note: If you begin keeping cumulative history for a customer at mid-month or mid-year, the boxes do not compare. For example, if you begin keeping history for a customer in the middle of January, the information for that month does not compare to other months since the information for January is only for half a month. You specify the customers and items that you want to keep sales history for in the (LA1) Customer History Parameters screen. For more information on this screen, go to In the (LA1) Screen.
Printing sales reports is an excellent way to analyze the sales and payment information of your customers. There may be times, however, when the sales history in the Customer History window may not match your sales reports. This may occur for any of the following reasons:
You printed the report before performing the (MA) daily backup procedure. Sales figures in the Customer History window are updated online. The sales journal (JOUR-S) is not updated until the (MA) is performed.
The customer has been deleted.
A customer key box has been changed. A key box is used to identify a customer. The key boxes are the Name and Acct # boxes in the Customer Master tab.
A hold discount is defined for the customer. If you set up a hold discount for the customer, sales information in the sales journal shows that the customer received the discount. However, accounts receivable indicates that the customer did not receive the discount. If your accounts receivable flows to general ledger, your G/L information also indicates that the customer did not receive the discount. Therefore, sales journal information and G/L information do not compare when the customer has a hold discount.
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Changing the Body of a Customer Report
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