Vendor Contracts Basic Procedures

  1. From the Master Menu, double-click graphics\INVENTORYICON16.gif. The Item window opens.

  2. Click graphics\ITEMVENDORCONTRACTS16.gif. The text-based (EV) Vendor contract Cost screen opens.

  3. Select the [M] Mass Add action code.

  4. In the By Item field, type Y to add specified items to the contract individually, or type N to add all specified items to the contract at once. If you add all items at once, you cannot view and confirm each item before it is added to the contract.

  5. In the Contract field, enter the number of the contract for which you are adding items. If you are adding items to a contract that already exists, go to Step 6. If you enter a contract number that does not exist, the Contract Does Not Exist - Create New Contract prompt displays. Type Y to create a new contract.

  6. The Limits For Mass Adding window displays, the cursor moves to the Item Number field, and the Enter Item From message displays. At this point, you can limit the items added to the contract by entering a range of item numbers to include on the contract.

  7. In the Item Co field in the Limits for Mass Adding window, set as many limits as needed. Items must be within the specified range to be included on the contract. Press Enter until the cursor moves to the Decrease Mfg Cost field to skip this step and go to Step 8.

  8. At the Enter Presets message in the Decrease Mfg Cost field, you can preset the contract information for the items you are adding to the contract. You can also preset contract information. These settings are used for all of the items you add to the contract. In the Decrease Mfg Cost field, specify the contract price by indicating a discount from the manufacturer’s cost. For example, if you enter 15, the system subtracts 15 percent from the manufacturer’s cost to calculate the contract price.

  9. Enter the beginning and ending dates for the contract in the Eff and End fields.

  10. Enter the reference number and the description in the Ref and Desc fields respectively.

  11. The system displays the limits and preset information you entered, along with the Are You Sure prompt. Type Y to add the items that meet the set limits.

Note: If you are adding items to an existing contract and the item is already on the contract, the Already Have This Item - Put Item on Contract Multiple Times prompt appears. To place the item on the contract again, type Y. To not place the item on the contract again, press Enter or type N.

  1. After the last item displays, the cursor returns to the Action Code field. To return to the Master Menu, press Esc.

See also:

Adding Individual Items

Copying and Merging Vendor Contracts