Purchase Order Entry Reports Basic Procedures
Changing the Body of a P/O Report
A printed report consists of several elements: the title, the company logo, column or field headings, and the body of the report. The body contains the customer or item data, sales figures, or other information that make up the actual report. You can control the information that prints in the body by changing the sorts or limits set up in the report selector. You can also add information to the body by adding detail lines to the selector.
Note: To change the body of a report, you should have a good understanding of report structure. For more information, see About Report Structure.
Once you type A at the Do You Want to Change All message, you can change your sorts, limits, or detail lines.
The PO-Master Selection and V-Master Selection subscreens open, and the Change Sorts prompt display. The default sorts for this report also display. If you do not need to change the sort selections or add sorts for this report, press Enter and go to Step 8. To change the sorts for this report, type Y. The cursor moves to the P/O # field and the Fill Field Completely message displays.
The fields in the PO-Master Selection subscreen are one record. They come from purchase orders created through the Purchase Order Entry window.
The fields in the V-Master Selection subscreen make up another record. These fields are from the Vendor Master tab.
Each record is treated as a separate entity. You must complete the sorts in the PO-Master Selection subscreen before moving to the V-Master Selection subscreen.
To specify a sort, enter the number corresponding to the sort order. For example, to make the invoice number the primary sort for the report, enter 1s in the Invoice # field. You do not have to enter the sorts in order.
You can skip fields and groups as needed:
To skip a field, press Tab.
To clear a field, space through it, then press Tab.
To skip a sort group, press Enter.
Notes: The portion of the field that you fill with the sort number is the portion that is used for sorting. To sort by the entire invoice number, for example, completely fill the field with 1s. If you only partially fill a field with characters, only that portion of the field is used to sort the report. You can also enter the same sort number in more than one field to use those fields together as a combined sort. This means the two sorts are treated as one long sort. In some cases, this may produce a report tht is not usable.
At the Break Page On Sort message, you can force a page break for a sort. To begin a new page on the specified sort, type Y. To skip this, press Enter.
At the Ascend Or Descend Order On Sort prompt, specify whether to sort in ascending or descending order. Ascending sorts words from A to Z, and numbers from lowest to highest. Descending sorts words from Z to A, and numbers from highest to lowest.
Press Enter to sort in ascending order.
Type D to sort in descending order.
Note: All characters, including letters, numbers, and symbols are sorted in the standard ASCII Sort Order.
After you set page breaks and sort order for each sort group on the screen, the Do You Wish To Sort From History/Totals prompt appears. If you don't need to sort the report by history and/or totals, press Enter and go to Step 8. To sort this report from history and/or totals, type Y. As with previous sorts, the item file sorts determine the order in which the item file information prints. For example, if you sort by the item department, all the information for each item department is grouped together and prints in numerical order according to department. You can also specify page breaks and ascending or descending order for each item file sort—however, you can only specify five sorts for a report.
The Item Files screen has six records: Master, Direct Buy, Wholesaler, Pricing 1 and 2, and Inventory Usage. Each record represents a sort group. Set item detail sorts just as you did in Step 2.
When the Change Limits prompt appears, all fields on the screen fill with question marks. If you do not need to change the limit selections for this report, press Enter and go to Step 16. To change the limit selections for this report, type Y. The Entering Limits From prompt displays.
Tab to each field that you selected as a beginning limit and enter the ending value. For example, to limit the report to include only account numbers 1000 to 2000, enter 2000 in the Acct # field. You can set as many limits as you need. A record must meet all of the limits you set to be included on the report.
You can skip fields as needed:
To skip a field, press Tab.
To skip to the next sort group, press Enter.
The Entering Limits To prompt appears. Tab to each field that you selected as a beginning limit and enter the ending value. For example, to limit the report to include only account numbers 1000 to 2000, enter 2000 in the Acct # field.
Note: The fields that you selected as limits display the beginning ranges that you entered in the From fields.
To limit the report to a single piece of information, tab past the To field to accept the same range limit that you entered in the From field.
Press enter to move through the remaining sort groups.
The Do You Wish to Limit From Items prompt displays. If you do not need to limit the report from item file information, press Enter and go to Step 16. To limit this report from item files, type Y.
Enter limits the same way you did earlier.
At the Add On Detail Fields prompt, you can add information to the report. Each new detail field creates an additional column on the right side of the report. If you don't need to add detail to the report, press Enter and go to Step #. To include additional detail on the report, type Y.
At the Fill Field With Characters To Select prompt, fill the field with alphanumeric characters. As with sort fields, the number of characters you enter determines the portion of the field that prints on the report. If you completely fill the field, the entire field prints on the report.
For each detail field you add, the Enter Column Text message appears. It lets you specify a heading for the detail field. The text you enter appears on the report as the column heading for this information. Press Tab if you do not need to enter a heading. You can enter up to 30 characters of text. However, the number of characters that actually print on the report is determined by the number of characters you entered in the corresponding detail field. For example, if you enter five characters in the detail field and a 15 character header, only the first five characters of the heading print.
Note: Some detail fields accept only numbers.
The cursor moves to the next detail field. Select any additional fields by entering characters as described above. To skip a field, tab to the next one.
The Do You Wish to Select Fields From Item Files prompt displays. If you do not need to select item file detail fields, press Enter and go to Step 21. To add information from the Item Detail screen, type Y and select the fields as you did earlier.
Header text is a subheading or other descriptive text for the entire report. It prints between the report title and the column headings on the report. For example, if you sorted this report to show purchases from United Stationers within the last month, you could enter UNITED STATIONERS FOR THE PAST MONTH. You can enter a heading of up to 60 characters. To enter a heading, enter the first 20 characters in the Header Text 1 field. Per this example, you would enter UNITED STATIONERS PU. The Enter Header Text 2 prompt displays.
Enter the next 20 characters of your heading. Per the example, you would enter RCHASES FOR THE PAST. The Enter Header Text 3 prompt displays.
Enter the remaining characters for the heading, as needed. Per the example, you would enter MONTH.
Press Enter when finished. Now, you can move on to the Changing the P/O Print Line.
Note: If you do not need a heading, press Enter at the Enter Header Text 1 prompt to skip this step.
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Printing Purchase Orders (Custom)
Printing the Purchase Order Receiving Report
Print the Purchase Order Receiving Report with Invoice Numbers