Order Entry Reports Basic Procedures

You can specify where and how the report prints in the print line. You specify how many records to print, the location to include on the report, the number of copies to print, and the printer.

Note: When the cursor is in the print line fields, you can press Enter at any point to accept the defaults in the remaining fields.

  1. When the cursor moves to the Totals Only field, the Enter Printer/Copies/Records message displays. Type P.

  2. Next, use the Totals Only field to determine whether to omit report detail and print only subtotals and totals. Type N to print the report with detail. Type Y to print totals only.

  3. The cursor moves to the Loc field. Tab to accept the default location, or enter the G/L location for which to print the report.

  4. In the Prt field, press Tab to accept the default printer, P1, or enter the logical name of the printer you want to use for the report.

  5. In the Copies field, specify whether to print multiple copies of the report, and enter the number of copies to print.

  6. In the Recs field, enter the number of records to include on the report. To include all records in the database that match your limits, tab through this field.

  7. In the Chain field, type Y to print the subsequent reports in the chain. The chaining feature lets you print two or more reports in sequence. When you print a chained report, you can print all subsequent reports as well. The other reports in the chain print using default sorts and limits on the default printer. If the report is not linked to others, or if you do not need to print other reports in the chain, type N.

Note: If you specify a location for the initial report in the print lines, the subsequent chained reports are also affected.

  1. Tab to the Pick File field. Press Tab to accept the default file, P-MASTER, or enter the name of the renamed sales journal from which to print the report.

  2. In the Vol field, enter the volume serial of the unit where the file to print is located. Press Tab to accept the default volume serial.

  3. The cursor moves to the Short Buy field. When you select a report that uses SHORT-BUYS as the Master file, such as the Short-Buy Report, this field defaults to the file SHORT-BUYS (Short-Buy files are created through the (F) Purchase Order Entry screen). In the Short Buy field, press Tab to accept the default or enter the name you created for this file the (F) screen.

Return to:

Changing the Body of an Order Entry Report


See also:

Saving Order Entry Report Changes