Report Basics
You can print a large number of standard reports with only a few keystrokes. If needed, you can modify the reports to fit your needs. Below are a few concepts you need to understand before printing and changing reports.
Report Screens
Report selectors allow you to print a number of standard reports and labels. There is a report selector screen for every database and posting procedure. You can print either Custom Reports or Standard Reports.
Custom Reports offer you the greatest flexibility and power. You can quickly customize a report to suit your needs. Once saved, you can print a custom report with only a few keystrokes.
Standard Reports use preset options, so requesting one is quick and easy.
Formats And Selectors
Standard Reports have pre-designed formats and selectors that determine how the report prints.
The format is the design of the report. It determines where information, such as headings, titles, and details, are placed on the page.
Selectors determine which information prints on a report. This includes the order in which the information is grouped (sorts), and which information is included (limits) on the report.
In most cases, the supplied formats and selectors are satisfactory. If needed, however, you can make temporary changes to a selector for a quick, one-time report, or save the changes for future use.
Making Temporary Changes
Temporary changes affect only one printing of a report. All changes are temporary unless you save the changes. You can change what information prints on the report, and the order and grouping of information. You can add new columns of information, and descriptive lines of text. You can print a report with totals only, change the printer used, and request multiple copies.
Making Permanent Changes
Most changes you make to a report selector can be permanently saved. However, you can only save changes to a Custom Report. When saving changes to a report, you should create a new report by saving the modified report under a new name. The original report then remains unchanged.
Note: If you save the modified report with the same name as the original report, the modified report replaces the original report.
Cataloging Selectors
Sorts and limits determine the order and grouping of details and the range of information included in a report. Sorts and limits are stored in selectors. When you modify the selectors of an existing report, you can catalog the selector. By cataloging the selector, you ensure the same results each time you print a particular report. Also, the report is available as a selection when you access the appropriate report screen.
If you catalog a report selector, it is available to anyone who can access to your Custom Reports. If you created a report, such as a payroll report, to which you want to limit access, you can choose not to catalog the selector. If you don't catalog the selector, you must assign a name to the selector that you will not forget, since the names of uncataloged selectors are not displayed in report screens. It is important to keep a permanent record of these uncataloged reports in a safe and secure location.
Note: Uncataloged report selectors can be viewed in the (+W) File Display and Maintenance Program, (+Y) Setup Selectors for Reports, and (+Z) Setup Formats for Reports screens. For details on viewing reports through the (+W) screen, see Specials. For information on the (+Y) and (+Z) screens, see Specials.
Uncataloged reports can only be printed through the (+X) Manual Report Executor screen. If you create a password for this screen, it provides additional security for your uncataloged reports. For more details on the (+X) screen and printing uncataloged reports, see Specials.
Note: For detailed instructions on printing and changing individual reports, refer to the appropriate topic. For example, for instructions on printing and changing customer reports, see Printing Customer Reports.
Report Writer
The Report Writer application is an optional application, available for purchase from ECI. The Report Writer application provides many standard reports. These reports can be generated with a few keystrokes. In addition, you can modify these standard reports to suit your needs, and you can create new reports. You can then choose to save these new or modified reports.
The Report Writer application also lets you combine information from a number of sources within the system, and gives you a wide range of capabilities for sorting and limiting your reports. For information about purchasing the Report Writer application, contact ECI sales.
See also: