Accounts Receivable Reports Basic Procedures
Saving A/R Report Changes
When you make changes to the body or print line of a report, you are prompted to save your changes. The name of these prompts are as follows:
Body: Do You Wish to Save Your Sorts And Limits
Print Line: Do You Wish to Save Your Selections
If your changes are temporary, press Enter to delete your them. To save your changes permanently, type Y. The Enter New Selector Name prompt displays.
Enter a unique name for the selector you are saving. The Enter New Title prompt displays.
Enter a descriptive title for the selector, or press Tab to accept the default. The Do You Wish This Catalogued prompt displays.
To not catalog the selector, press Enter. To catalog the selector, type Y. Cataloging the selector makes it readily available in the (O) A/R Report Selector screen. If you don't catalog the selector, you can still print the report through the (+X) Manual Report Executor screen.
See also: