Printing Customer Reports

  1. From the Master Menu, double-click . The Reports Menu opens.

  2. From the Reports Menu, double-click . The text-based (NR) Customer Reports screen opens.

Note: You can also print reports in the Customer window. To do so, click and select the report from the drop-down menu that displays.

  1. In the (NR) Customer Reports screen, select the [M] Labels action code.

  2. In the Labels Across field, press Tab to accept the default, or enter the number of labels to print on each horizontal row.

  3. In the B/S field, type B to print the customer billing address, or type S to print the customer shipping address.

  4. In the Align field, type Y to print one label so you can check the alignment of the labels and go to Step 12. Type N to skip this step. The Format prompt appears.

  5. Type 1 to include the representative's name on the labels, or type 2 to include the account number.

  6. Use the Forms filed to determine the label size: Type 1 to print 3 ½" x 15/16" labels, type 2 to print 3" X 15/16" labels, or type 3 to use these labels with a Cheshire machine.

  7. In the Sort field, press Enter to sort by customer name, and go to Step 10. To use sorts, enter the appropriate sort codes in the Sort 1, 2, and 3 fields, as needed. For example, to use salesperson as the first sort, enter P in the Sort 1 field. For a full explanation of sort order, see ASCII Sort Order Chart. You can use up to three sorts. Tab past the Break Page fields, as they do not apply.

  8. Use the Limit fields to limit which customer records are included on the report. To include information for all of your customers, press Enter and go to Step 11. To limit the report to a range of customers, enter the beginning of the range in the From field, and enter the end of the range in the To field. If you do not use all of the characters in the From field, press Tab to move to the To field. Use Tab to move through the different Limit fie

  9. At the Do You Wish Departmental Labels prompt, type Y to print labels for each department, as well as master accounts. To print labels for master accounts only, type N.

  10. Complete the print line to print your labels.


See also:

About Customer Mailing Labels